Sunday, August 19, 2012

My Quilt of Many Colors

Every once in a while, I like to share my blogroll "quilt," because I think it's pretty and because I'm sure you'll find someone here you'd like to meet! [They are in no particular order, but the biggest ones are at the bottom.)  Instead of writing a post today, I'll share this and encourage you to make someone's day by stopping by an introducing yourself. (Don't be afraid to tell 'em I sent you :)

Don't see your button here (or have a new one)? Let me know, and I'll add it to the top! :)
Don't have a button and want to know how to make one? I made some directions for Blogger blogs here. (Sorry, but you'll have to Google directions if you're not on Blogger.) Let me know if you get stuck, and I'll do my best to help you.

Acting Balanced   Touristic     thehumanrace600  Unknown Mami I can’t blog

  a gracious home      Quoteables In The Blog World    Things I Can't Say

 A Few Clowns Short Life in the Pitts   Fraase Family    Join me on     Ramble Raod {Ramblings}  Unknown Mami When Did I Become My Mom  Life's Crazy Joke  
Fishing and Wishing Aging Mommy   Mama Still Wears Gucci Dirty Socks & Pizza My Little Miracles all that other stuff…REVIEWS   Everyday Mommy From Tracie Ma Vie Folle  Stars Rain       Photobucket  Would-Be Bambi Stacy's Random Thoughts

Photobucket" Matty Thoughts Twenty-Three And Three   Kerri’s Clutter Photobucket Day 2 Day   ReesSpace       Matty Thoughts Conditionally Satisfactory Confessions of a Semi-Slacker Mom Messy Mommy La Dolce Vita3!A CharmCheaper Than  Therapy    Photobucket    Creative Blog Designs Therapeutic Reviews & Giveaways     Momma D and Da Boyz  Button happily_blended_button  
Blogback Time My Charmed Life  Blessed with Grace  My Therapy Photobucket     sbbutton   Beckie's Blurbs TMI Thursday Eternal Lizdom  Manic Mother BrokenWon Confessions from a Working Mom  Photobucket     You Likey?! shenanigans  mm blue badgeparenting BY dummies NOT Mom of the Year Award
Eighty MPH Mom Blog


  1. You have two of my old ones but not my new one! LOL

  2. Mrs. 4444's "coat" of many colors. We'll call you Joseph.

    Hey - - - I don't see MY button there. Mostly 'cause I don't have one.


    1. I took pity on you--I made the directions with you in mind and shared then with you via Google Doc. :)

  3. I need a button too!

    1. I just made these directions. Let me know if you need help :)

  4. I need to make a new one. I just need to figure out what to use.

    1. In case you need to refresh your memory as to how...

  5. Replies
    1. Yea! That means I get to add you to the top! :) Thanks.

    2. Karen, I found the code for your Grab a Book from Our Stack blog, but I looked high and low unsuccessfully for the code to your main blog gadget. In case you don't have one and need memory refreshing, I've added a link to some directions I put together--It's near the top of this post.

    3. Oh, and as Mom says, "I didn't forget; I just remembered late!"haha

  6. What a great blogroll! And I'm on it! :)


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