Saturday, November 17, 2012

Chuao Sweet Makeover!

It's that time of year...time to load up on chocolate!  Stop--You know you don't have any Halloween chocolate left; I'm talking about Christmas shopping, hostess gifts, stocking stuffers, etc. I was recently invited to try Chuao (pronounced "Chew-Wow") Chocolate and help spread the word about their Sweet Makeover Sweepstakes, and I happily accepted. Stay tuned for my review, and in the meantime, why not enter Chuao's "Sweet Makeover!" Prizes include:
  • a $1000 designer shopping spree
  • A one-year subscription to Birchbox ($120 value)
  • A Broscato Vibrastrait flat iron ($150 value)
  • Philosophy Miracle Worker Collection ($190 value)
  • Clarisonic Mia2 Skin Cleansing System ($150 value)
  •  Delicious, handcrafted, gourmet Chuao chocolate ($180 value)

All you have to do to enter is Like Chuao's Facebook page and complete the simple entry form.

You don't have to wait to find out if you've won to enjoy Chuao; look at select Target and specialty stores. They specialize in unique flavors. For example:

Firecracker (dark chocolate with chipotle, popping candy and sea salt), Potato Chip (all natural potato chips crushed into milk chocolate) and Honeycomb bars (house caramelized honey and dark chocolate).

Okay, now my mouth is watering....Where are those Chuao samples?! :)


  1. Yum! Who doesn't love chocolate...I love it with the sea salt! How did the Turkey turn out??

    1. The turkey turned out beautifully! (I wrote about it for SIMC.) In fact, it was so easy, I think I will cook turkeys more often! I figure if Kendall (a non-cook) can do it, I can certainly do it!

  2. Chocolate anything is right up my alley!

  3. The potato chip milk chocolate is OFF THE CHAIN.

  4. Just got our samples today--I'm with you on the sea salt, but I do love the honey w dark chocolate. However, there's something to love about each of them!


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