For a while now, I've been keeping a virtual Christmas shopping list for my friends that I've made via blogging. As Christmas neared, like many of you, I got a little overwhelmed and ran out of shopping time, but since it's only the day after Christmas, I figure you'll still accept your gifts.
But first, thank you. Thanks for visiting, for sharing your stories, for supporting people all over the world through the sharing of your stories, as well as theirs. Thanks for making this space one that enriches my life, entertains me, and makes me feel appreciated every day. I appreciate you.
Also, please note that this was no easy feat--Some of you made it easy to know what you'd appreciate as a gift, but some of you made it downright difficult (I won't mention any names.haha). Also, the list is much longer than I'd realized it would be--It kind of blew me away, actually, how many friendships I've made via Half-Past Kissin' Time. The list is in no particular order (sorry). If you want to find your name quickly, try typing Ctrl and the letter F and see if a little search box pops up in which to type your name.
I know that I haven't included every one of you deserving of a gift. (I'm only human, after all.) If you don't see your name in my list, it's your lucky day--You get to choose your gift and let me know what it is so that I can add it!
And now, without further ado, my Nice List...
For Laurie, of Honduras Gumbo, the means to meet all of the needs of the families you know in Honduras, and not just in a superficial way, but a deep, long-lasting way that not only gives them pride and hope but celebrates their faith in Christ.
For Nani, of Chronicles of Nani, a state-of-the-art wheelchair. (That's in case Target is out of "complete and total physical health.")
For Stacy, of A Life Lived Well, healing of the relationship with your son.
For Jocelyn, of Keepin' It Real, I would give an A on all of your semester exams for the rest of your classes this year. I would also give you a little weekend getaway to celebrate your hard work. :)
For Mel Fraase, of Fraase Family...This is a tough one! Maybe a nice, big contract for your business? That might make you too busy, though. Wait--I've got it--An instant baby sitter so that you and the hubs can take each of your kids out for special two-on-one times and not have to worry about expenses or whether or not someone will cause a calamity or something. Of course, the two of you should also enjoy a few one-one-ones, too :)
For Janice, of Chasing Myself, a safety bubble around your son in Afghanistan.
For Beth, of The Journey to the Hot Tub, college tuition PAID, for you to reach your dream, be it becoming a teacher, architect, or whatever makes you happy.
For Rachael, of the Scientific Nature of the Whammy, the time (and 4) to take that photography class you need to be able to fully enjoy your camera :)
For Colleen, of Mommy Always Wins, a perfect mouth, dental-hygiene-wise. I would also wipe out all of your previous dental nightmares (the ones that happened in real life). Oh, and since I'm at it, I'll give the same to your children, because odds are at least one of them has inherited your saliva/ph.
For Debby, of Just Breathe, a storage shed just for all of your Christmas decorations, with all the latest organization gadgetry, plus elves to help you pack it all away each year.
For The Scholastic Scribe, a full year of students who use proper punctuation. (Not so much that you're out of a job, but just enough that you notice :)
For Traci, of Traci's Mixed Bag, a new Vornado fan, plus a brand new iPad or laptop (You choose!) so that you can blog (and visit) as often as you like :)
For Dina Lettre, of 4 Lettre Words and Tracie, of From Tracie, how about crafting rooms magically added to your houses, so you can have all kinds of projects going on at once without having to put it away!
For Bee, from Living Off Script, twelve pairs of Fluevog shoes/boots!
For Liz, of Eternal Lizdom, a month off work to think about an entrepreneurial venture and the capital to kick it off. It would be very exciting to see what you'd come up with!
For Nancy Grayce, of toowonderfulforme; Ellen, of Miss Stewart a.k.a. Mrs. Seaman; Katharine, of Just a Thought: a trip to a Women of Faith conference (or a different one of their choosing) so that you could not only meet each other but could grow even more in your faith and continue to be lights for others.
For Bee, of Living Off-Script, a trip to someplace sunny and relaxing :)
For Shawna (one of my lovable lurkers), I honestly had a really hard time thinking of something for you, as you are in "perfect alignment" already, ya know?! Wait--I've got it--Perfect health for you and your loved ones. What you all choose to do with that is on you, but I'd give you all resets :) (I know--That's perfect, right?!)
For Claudia, of Unknown Mami....The paid-off bill of your choice and a housekeeper that you adore, so that you can have plenty of play time with your little sweetie pies (or head out for some you-time :)
For It Feels Like Chaos Now don't take this the wrong way, Friend; I could care less what your blog looks like (and it looks fine just the way it is), but if I could give you a gift, it would be to pay for a new look for your blog--Something that's beautiful and reflective of your faith and values so evident in your posts.
For Shell, of Things I Can't Say, plane tickets for five of your besties from home to come and visit you. That, and a new friend who makes you feel like you're at a home away from home.
For Qandlequeen, of A Walk Through My Little World, a lifetime of movie passes :) Also, a blog buddy meet-up with your top five favorites :)
For Rebecca Jo, of Knit by God's Hand, a trip for you and Ricky to Disney (with extra money for the souvenir shop, of course!).
For Cathy, of Tales of the TCKK Family, healing of your mom's heart issue.
For Ann in the U.P., of UP North, a membership to the Yarn-o-the-Month Club (assuming there is such a thing) and a FastForward button for any projects you desire.
For Alex, of The Life and Times of A.Nighbert, a brand-new Lamborghini (had to copy/paste that, I confess). Don't blame me for any speeding tickets, though!
For Liz, of No Excuses, the perfect career, with great hours and nice people, a fulfilling position that makes you look forward to working every day.
For Joanna Jenkins, The Fifty Factor, box seats for the next Rose Parade (featuring UCLA, of course!)
For DBS, of Think.Stew, a trip to Tibet, where you could hang out with the Dalai Lama and think deeply (which you clearly love to do).
For Dawn (another lurker), a period of you-time during which time stands still and you can craft, relax, reflect, play on Pinterest, or whatever you'd like to do until you're ready to return. Better yet, I'll give you three of these periods.
For Nana, Empty Nest But Full Heart, a trip for you and the T's to the amusement park of your choosing!
For Tara, of the Thin Spiral Notebook, a get-together with your brother, during which you both can put down your inhibitions and be just real and honest, turning over a new leaf together.
For Mama Zen, of The Zen of Motherhood, a Snapfish or Easy Canvas Prints gift certificate to print/produce 10 of your favorite photographs taken over the years (and do let me know what you'd pick, if you're so inclined!).
For Frank, at Ca$h Jockey and the "Old Salt" a house cleaner and cook to help him take care of Rita until she's well enough to come back to blogging :)
For Cyndy, of Putting the Fun in Dysfuntional...Hm...This is a hard one, as you are always so stinkin' cheerful and rarely complain about anything, I hardly have anything to draw ideas from, but I guess I'll go with a tropical vacation for you and Hunter. Who knows--maybe you'll have a special occasion to celebrate!?
For Mrs. Tuna, of the Working Woman's Guide to Dinner, new trusty steed of her choosing! :)
For Kay, of Kay's Little Corner, all-expenses paid for a field trip of her choice for her home schooled students. Kay, where would you go?
For LuAnn, from Daily Blessings, a trip to any Women of Faith conferences.
For Michelle, of Just Eat It, a nice vacation (with or without your kids), to the destination of your choice, for the duration of your choice.
For Michelle, of Honest and Truly, a trip to a conference centered around cooking and baking, featuring meet-ups with your favorite inspiring chefs. That, and a year's worth of gluten-free grocery products (shipping included, if necessary).
For my Jewish friends, Melisa, of Suburban Scrawl and Andrea, of Girl Gone Redneck, family movie passes for Christmas Day for the next ten years (including popcorn! :)
For Melissa, of Green Girl in Wisconsin, the funding left to make possible your Freedom for Everyone to Play playground at your school.
For Frau, of West Family Adventures, the ability to click your heels together and suddenly be with Katelyn for an hour (once per day max, though; you don't want to cramp her college style!) Also, for every day that you don't use it, you'll get an hour to stockpile for a special mother-daughter summer trip :)
For Mub, of The Misadventures of Mub, a $1000 gift certificate to support your enjoyment of cooking, either via a groceries, cookware, a cooking class, or any combination! Have fun :)
For Mary, of Life in a Small Town, an extra 25 pounds magically lost, plus a new wardrobe to celebrate!
For Mel, of Smellynn Strikes Again, the perfect home in San Diego, found instantly! That, and instant perfect health for everyone in your family.
For Karen and Gerard, of Right Where We Belong, funding to complete the project of your choice--Maybe you want to save a number of animals, contribute something to your wonderful zoo, improve your church's youth programs, or make some other type of difference in your community. I'd love to hear what your dream would be.
For Tami, at Pretty Purplexing, a trip for her entire family to attend Stanley Cup finals the next time they have it :)
For Nezzi (one of the sweetest people on the Internet), of Cow Patty Surprise, the magical gift of appearing to any one of your grandkids whenever he or she thinks of you and wishes for your company :) If possible, I'd enjoy that gift myself; I would love to meet you some day.
For Diane, of Be Still A Minute, a year's worth of Mondays on which every single one of her family members does what she asks them to do the first time. ;)
For" Leigh Anne", of Single Mom in the South, a FastForward button for the times your kids go see their dad (after some alone time, of course.haha) so that you can have them back in a flash :)
For Kristin, of The Goat, I would pay off all of your medical bills from your recent trip to Mayo.
For Lisleman, of A Few Clowns Short, a nickel for every corny comment he's ever made on his blog. (It's a good thing he doesn't tag his posts with #corny, or he'd be able to send me a bill.)
For Jeni, of Downriver Drivel, a brand-new vehicle of her choosing, along with gas for a year. I'd especially love for her to have a vehicle with a nice stereo system in it.
For Doreen, of They Say Everybody Has a Story, a visit with your brother David, just to catch up, hug him again, and be filled with peace.
For Jan, A Tapestry of Life, a plane ticket to visit anyone you might miss since your move to Australia.
For Cici, of Liquid Mind, Sanguine Soul, a cute little house in the country (if there is such a thing close to your current residence), so you can have your solitude but still be close to friends and entertainment.
For Dave, of 42 North, a high-paying job with the Iowa Historical Society. In fact, Dave, you could even design the job yourself. I would love to see you get paid to do what you love.
For Lisa, of Live High, a trip around the world, so that you can visit each one of your adoring blog fans, starting with me :)
For Heather, of Acting Balanced, a spa certificate that is never ending, so that you could get a massage or a manicure, or whatever you want whenever you want it (because babysitting is included) :)
For Terri, of These Are Days, two treadmills, so that you don't have to go outside in the cold to exercise Lucy and Bella. Or maybe a professional dog-walker to come every day through the winter months! (You choose, Terri!)
For Wayne, of Touristic, an "18-hours-Equals 30-Minutes' Driving Pass for which to use on your family trek home from your Canadian Christmas this year.
For Nancy Campbell, ten days of ninja-level awesomeness, for those writers-block days :)
For Keetha, of The Eclectic Company, two tickets to an all-expenses paid trip to the Rose Bowl, (with your favorite team competing, of course).
For Rebecca, of Just Another Blog, complete and total healing for your little boy; that, and a career that you love.
For Lisa, of My Thoughts and Ramblings, full sponsorship to BlogHer 2013 (assuming you don't already have it!)
For Amy, of Pretty Babies, see above, but also some time to write :)
For Debby, of Just Breathe, funding (and time) to meet every need you wish to meet for your handkerchief project. Also, the opportunity to meet the recipients. Thanks for all you do...
For Pam, of Empty Nester, that all of your hopes for your "personal issues" come to a positive outcome. Also, a Fast Forward button that works in week-long increments, to be used at school only.
For Lurker Mari, a bike trip to the country of your choice, along with the health to enjoy it fully.
For Lou, of LouCeel, your entire family together for a nice little vacation to the destination of your choice. Where would you go? (Or would you stay home?)
For Sue, of As Cape Cod Turns, this is going to be an easy one--All expenses paid to BlogHer 2013! (Not sure I'm going to make it--Maybe you can return the favor.haha)
For CiCi, of CiCi's Corner, the gift of accepting powerlessness; it's the greatest gift I ever gave myself, many years ago, and I know you'll appreciate it.
For lurker Claudine, peace and a smooth transition. Love you...
For lurker Heather, a happy, healthy, empowering, timely delivery and a year off to be home with your little angel.
Brainella, the Librarian, the time to read all of the books on your reading list :)
And to all of my lurkers whom I've missed (you know who you are), a big hug and a thank you; when you stop by, it fills my heart :) Have a very happy New Year.
*In case it's not clear, these gifts are what I would give you if I were a bajillionaire. That not being the case, please accept the spirit of the gifts :)
Best post I have ever seen. You are so sweet and amazing. God Bless You for your amazing heart. ((Hugs))