Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Lettuce Love One Another! DVD Review and Giveaway

When my kids were small, we loved watching Veggie Tales videos and singing to all of their songs in the car. Not to date myself, but I can probably still sing all the words to Oh, Where is My Hairbrush?!, one of my favorite Silly Songs with Larry. So, when I was contacted about reviewing the latest Veggie Tales offering, even though I obviously don't have small kids, I accepted. Here follows my review and an opportunity for you to win your own copy of Lettuce Love One Another.

Veggie Tales teach kids about being kind, patient, loving, helpful, etc. through silly-but-sincere stories that entertain, as well as teach. Lettuce Love One Another is a compilation of favorites I haven't seen before but also includes never-before-seen added features. For example, for kids who might like to learn how to draw, a nice graphic artist named Joe walks viewers through drawing two Veggie Tales characters. There are also the Madame Blueberry and Helpers Are Heroes storybooks (a total of about 30 pages between them). Kids can choose to have the stories read to them or they can read them to themselves. Finally, the special features also include three favorite Silly Songs with Larry tunes:  Endangered Love (with my favorite character, of course, Barbara Manatee), Sneeze If You Need To, and Biscuit of Zazzamarandabo.

Parents will be happy to have 126+ minutes of quality programming to entertain their kids while they scrub their kitchen floors or something, but one review that I read said that the person's children loved it so much that they watched it twice that day. Seriously? I don't care how good it is, I don't recommend parking your kids in front of the TV for four hours. That said, the animation of the Veggie Tales DVD has really improved since my kids were small, and that's saying something, as I'm not impressed by the difference between HDTV and reg TV (which drives Mr.4444 crazy), so that's saying a lot.

If you would like to win your very own copy of Lettuce Love One Another from the Veggie Tales folks, simply leave a comment on this post on or before Saturday, March 16th! (It's that easy.) And, in case you don't feel lucky, here are some other freebies you might like to share with kids in your life :)

Kindness Chart and Card 

*In exchange for my honest opinion, I received a copy of Lettuce Love One Another. Since I don't have anyone to share it with, I'll be cheerfully donating it to my church's childcare room. Our masses don't last 126 minutes (Thank goodness.), so the parents may have to drag their kids away when they pick them up, but they can happily sing Silly Songs with Larry songs on the way home! :)

(update 3/17/13: The winner of this giveaway is Debbie Jackson. The winner of my viewed-only-once copy is Nezzy. Thanks for entering :)

1 comment:

  1. We LOVE Veggie Tales. We have a bunch of the videos, the greatest hits cd and Bob and Larry Sing the 70's. oh where is my hairbrush? My personal favorite is the Bellybutton Song. Or Stuff Mart. We go around saying stuff, you know like Madame Blueberry Stuff.


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