Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sundays in My "City": Landscapers Extraordinaire

There is an area of our property that has never been touched, other than to pile stuff we don't know what to do with. The last time we checked, it looked something like this.

It's wooded; the floor is covered with leaves and other dead debris, and we like it that way.
(I actually know someone who cleans her woods on a regular basis, which cracks me up.)

Suddenly, an area that hosts some drying cedar logs and some drain tile thingies looks like this:

I'm not sure the photo reflects it, but this area of at least 100 square feet has been almost-completely cleared and looks like mulch has been added.

Have Steve and Milo started a landscaping business??  Maybe, but I think it has more to do with their appetites for chipmunks.

I love chipmunks; they provide hours and hours of entertainment for our dogs,
and sometimes, 
if we're lucky,
the digging projects are based in the woods.

This is our "city." To see scenes from other locals across the globe, visit Unknown Mami's Sundays in My City.
Unknown Mami

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