Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Mr.4444 is sort of a serial poster on Facebook; he has a tendency to get on there and fling up a whole bunch of shares. Fortunately, most of them are awesome, and this song/video is no exception. I think it's perfect; even though the impressions were lipsynced, the song is still my new favorite. I will definitely be introducing it to my middle school students, but right now, it's for you :)

Here are the lyrics:

High in the clouds, up on a hill 
You talk to the stars, they tell you to chill
I try to tell you what everyone knows
You're perfect in the way that you are

If you stole all the colors that persist in the air
Sold them to black without much of a care
Drew on my art, bleeped every sound
I'd thank you cause you left me my heart
Compassion always set you apart

You and I will always belong
So give a little sing to your song 
Don't be sad or scared at all
Even if you can't recall, you're perfect in the way that you are
Perfect in the way that you are

If you took a boat to the middle of sea
And spent all my money seeking treasures for me
But came up empty-handed every week after week
I'd tell you that your love is still cheap
That you are worth the trouble to keep

You and I will always belong
So give a little sing to your song 
Don't be sad or scared at all
Even if you can't recall, you're perfect in the way that you are
Perfect in the way that you are

Even if you're slightly ajar 
Even if you're looking bizarre
Even though you failed us so far
You're perfect in the way that you are
Even when you're coming apart
Even when you're breaking my heart
Even when you love a la carte
[You're perfect in the way that you are]

Perfect in the way that you are
You're perfect in the way that you are
Perfect in the way that you are

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