Thought I'd share some snaps of what I've been up to lately...
I've been playing fetch with Steve and Milo...
I've been drinking easy and delicious smoothies.
This one included kale, a pear, a hunk of ginger, chia seeds,
a frozen banana, a green pepper, and half of a cuke.
I've also been eating a lot of delicious salads.
I've been working hard to get donations for the Tousey Family Benefit, for an old friend of mine. This is a beautiful "pub table" from Vandervest Harley Davidson, in Green Bay; it's sure to bring some support in our silent auction!
I continue to enjoy trying new wines.
I had no idea there were so many to choose from!
This one was delicious, and it's from a Wisconsin winery!
I tried a new fruit (new to me, anyway) called a pummelo.
It's like a grapefruit, only sweeter. It was delicious.
Here's a snap of my new glasses :)
Oh, and six and a half months after my rotator cuff surgery, I'm back at yoga!
I went three times last week, making modifications (of course) but feeling great.
Here's what Ted thought of that:
Only kidding, about Ted being mad; it's my fault that he scratched my yoga mat;
I had left it in the kitchen to air out a little, and I guess it was just too tempting for him.
The damage is only superficial, though it looks impressive in the photo!
Enough about me; what's new with you?
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