The wonderful thing about fragments
is fragments are wonderful things!
Their tops are made out of tidbits,
their bottoms are made out of springs!
(Hey, you try to make random rhyme with "things!")
They're bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, fun fun fun fun fun!
The wonderful thing about fragments is...that I'm not the only one!
Yeah, I'm losing my mind here, apparently, but actually, anything goes for Friday Fragments, right? Bits, pieces, miscellaneous thoughts from your week, all collected into a single post that makes you feel like you accomplished something great with very little stress. [Want to know how to play? Click on the green button above.] Welcome! Off I go...
***Okay, how's this for a mystery? Exactly 367 days ago, I posted a desperate plea for help for a bizarre problem I was having with my tongue. I never discovered the cause (doctor just gave me some dumb diagnosis like IDK-itis, and it resolved itself, but not for several annoying months and a tongue biopsy that turned up negative. Guess what? It's back. I noticed it today. How strange is that?
***I did a little housecleaning on Half-Past Kissin' Time this week and deleted dead links from the bottom of this page. Now, my mosaic of blog buttons looks even more gorgeous! If you don't see yours down there, let me know, and I'll be happy to add it.
***MIL and I went to Buffalo Wild Wings one night last week, after kicking off our Christmas shopping. I had been looking forward to having some of their delicious wings, because I hadn't been there in a long time. However, I changed my mind and had the Southwest Chicken Flatbread (kind of like a quesadilla). It was fantastic. Just thought I'd pass that on.
***I had so many Favorite Friday Fragments this week that I'm having trouble narrowing it down, so I'm going with three this week....
1st, from Hallie...
*Someone once referred to walking into a freshly soiled bathroom as being hit in the face with a shitty fist. I TOTALLY agree; I was sucker punched not once, but twice this week at work. Yuck.
A 2nd favorite comes from Jenn-My Life with the Crazies (in regard to Yaya's bad news last week; an adoption falling through)...
We are feeling sad here in the Crazy House for Yaya. My son has orange hair and as those of you know, that is Yaya's favorite color. I thought it would be nice if I explained to my kidlets about Yaya and what she is going through. I thought my son ( being the most sensitive young boy) could make her a pretty orange card. While explaining all this to my kids, my daughter said the following...
"Wait... are you gonna send Trevor to live with her? Can I have Trev's room?"
Such a compassionate child of mine. Needless to say, it took me 20 minutes to calm down my crying son.
And 3rd.... Most mothers feel a little uncomfortable when their sons talk openly about their attraction to the opposite sex, so imagine what UnExperienced Mom went through when her son brazenly said...
"I want Penny in my bed."
Yeah, the mouth dropped open just a bit. But it dropped open even more when he said,
"Penny is going to take a bath with me."
"Penny is going to take a bath with me."
No, these aren't part of The Young and the Restless's script. They're the dreams a lusty preschooler, wishing he could sleep with a cartoon character.
Yes, Tamara's son is in love with Penny, the middle-aged, female firefighter from a cartoon called Fireman Sam. Is that adorable, or what?
So, congratulations, my fragmented friends. The award this week goes to you! :)
***I'm so glad Yaya's feeling better. Here's proof. Gotta love that girl...(but not necessarily her dancing, haha.)
***Sorry to be cryptic, but remember my request earlier this week for your favorite posts? I can't tell you what it's for, because you might be the person I need it for, but if you email me, I'll email you the skinny if I haven't already. (Unless you're that person, of course, haha.) And I have to say GOD BLESS each and every one of you who have your email addresses in your profiles or on your blog; you've made my job easier!! It's going to be awesome, though, so do contact me if you're interested in knowing more about a very cool idea.
***On Wednesday morning (no school for me!!!), Kyle came close to being traumatized for life when he knocked on our master bedroom door and opened it without waiting for a response. Seriously; he was three minutes from needing therapy for the rest of his life. (Sorry if that's TMI, but it's a great fragment, so I couldn't resist.)
***A friend had this at the bottom of an email she sent to me:
"Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night!"
(And yes, she was apparently speaking from personal experience, poor thing!
***There you have it. Now, let's have yours! Link up your FRIDAY FRAGMENTS post below (other links will be deleted, sorry) and meet up with some other fragmenters; we're all friendly here :)

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