***Some of you have asked me or written on your blogs of your concern for our friend, "Lala," whose blog inexplicably disappeared last week. (I spelled her name weird in order to avoid this showing up in a search engine or something.) I received an email from her in response to my asking her what's up, and she gave her blessing on this update: The adoption agencies found her blogs and didn't appreciate some of the things she said about them. The adoption seemed in jeopardy but is now back on. Lala she is okay, but done blogging. (Though I can't believe she could stay gone forever!!! :) Please continue to keep her and her family in your prayers.
***Anyone who knows me will back me up when I say that I am a pretty fast walker. What can I say? I hate to waste time. That said, I cannot stand it when kids run in the hall at school; I've been barreled-into at least three times that resulted in bruises, so it's my pet peeve. A few weeks ago, I wrote four referrals in two days for running in the hallway; I figured the news would spread, and today I learned that my tactic worked. I heard one boy tear past my room. The friend behind him stopped near the doorway to our classroom, and I heard him whisper loudly, "Dude! Don't run by Mrs.4444's classroom!" Mission accomplished.
***Kyle sent this text to me last weekend...
"This weekend, I tried sniffing coke, but I got an icecube stuck up my nose! :)" He doesn't take after his dad at all, does he?!
***Speaking of texts, this Fragment from Unknown Mami (a Latina babe) is my favorite so far this week (and I still have tons from last week to read!) She's awesome. Here's an example of why:
My husband sent me a sweet text in Spanish, but he doesn't really speak or write Spanish. Here's our text exchange:
Unknown Papi: Te quedo
Unknown Mami: Thank u! I think u mean "quiero". Quedo sounds like a combo of quiero & pedo, which I guess would mean u want to fart me. (I'm not into that if ur wondering.)
U.M.-Here's the award! You deserve it!
**A parent at our school has taken it upon herself to help us raise money for our musical this spring (Willy Wonka!!) She has so far produced at least 15 pairs of gorgeous mittens (made from old wool sweaters and fleece) that disappeared as fast as she could make them (at $15 per pair!) Aren't we lucky to have such a generous, thoughtful parent?! I think I will try really hard to talk her into having another kid so that we can keep her at the middle school longer.
***Have you ever had the experience of not knowing a door was even there until someone opened it? This happens to me all the time (and I mean it literally, not figuratively.) It's always an amusing surprise.
***Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait to sleep in tomorrow!! Beware to anyone foolish enough to call me before 9am at the earliest! :)
Have a great weekend!!
From 42N , who posted this comment on a post that I had to delete (it was a draft I had forgotten about!):
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy your wit and insight to life, family, and geography. You are also a talented writer - do not underestimate this talent. You should write a book or essay on your life experiences - you are that good. Regards from the prairie.
February 12, 2010 10:42 PM
I'm very honored. I do hope to publish something one day, when I can figure out what I want to write about!!
Visit 42N at: http://42n.blogspot.com/
I love your site! The one about the boy running made me giggle and then the spanish bit almost made me spit out my coffee!
ReplyDeleteI will definetly be following you!
Enjoy your morning sleeping in!
ReplyDeleteThat "I fart you" one was hilarious! She deserves her award.
OMG!! I just got out of bed and decided to wake up with your blog. Well, I am awake now!! :o) I had to get up and grab a kleenex to wipe the tears from laughing so hard and clean up my spilled coffee! You are such a hoot and Kyle too!
ReplyDeleteI wondered about Lala, but then saw an update from another blogger as to why. She's in our thoughts here.
ReplyDeleteI did see, and commented on Mami's post about the text message. I told her to give him points for at least trying.
Sounds like the sense of humor runs in the family.
Mrs 4444, you should change the name of those referrals to warnings and speeding tickets. First offense gets a warning. Second and subsequent violations get the ticket. Of course, you can always skip the warning and go right to the ticket on the first offense if they're wayyyyy over the speed limit, or cause injury to a staff member (that being you). Once they accumulate a certain number of points, they have to attend traffic "school" to clear their points.....bada bump.
Sorry your friend had to take her blog down. That's too bad.
ReplyDeleteThe text msg...too funny!
Have a wonderful weekend....and Valentines Day!
ReplyDeleteThat Kyle is a real hoot! Yea, the kids in the hall used to crash into me and whap me with their instrument cases. I always felt like I need a helmet and padding to navigate the halls .
ReplyDeleteYa'll have the best weekend!!!
Dang! What school doesn't have an issue with running in the hall? We have one hall at Sanislo and we refer to it as 'Main Street'. It is a major headache to monitor hallway traffic. But that is a second concern to the race to the playground which is downhill from the school. Talk about gaining momentum...
ReplyDeleteI hope your Valentine's Day is wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI love the humor in your posts. I'm glad you got your point across about running in the halls. Teachers should not get bruises!
So, did anyone have the nerve to wake you up or call you before 9 a.m.? I hope you got to sleep in.
Kyle is a crack up--I think he must take after his mama!
ReplyDeletetell Kyle to use crushed ice next time!!
ReplyDeletemy husband would take "I want to fart you" as either a compliment or a challenge....I'm not sure which one.....do you think I should find out??
Thank you so much for the update on our friend who favors orange. I was really worried. I'm glad things are moving ahead with the adoption. It saddens me to think that she would be done with blogging. Perhaps she could come back with a different alias and wearing an orange bag on her head.
ReplyDeleteThank you for my award. I am honored.
Oh sure YOU got to sleep in this morning. *sigh* Some of us have to work anyway even though the entire family got to sleep. Someday....
ReplyDeleteThat stinks about Lala. Enjoy sleep!