Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sundays in My City

We attended our final swim meet this weekend (Sectionals). Last time, I showed you the curious hair dye tradition of swim meets. Today, I'm sharing a shot of the strange "towel styles." Sorry I missed getting a shot of the young man wearing the shark (toddler-sized) towel on his head today. You'll have to settle for this one, on the head of one of Tinytown's finest...

Yup, that's a ducky.  I also love the shot because it says a lot about the boys on Kyle's team. Even though they did not win a single meet this year (they are a small team, and 90% of the boys were swimming for the first time in their high school "careers."), they had a blast and supported each other along the way with enthusiasm.

On another subject, when we went out to a bar the night of the party, this sign caught my eye...

I guess it's safe to say the bar manager never won any spelling bees.

When my friends Dawn and Camille and I went to the Milwaukee area for the autism conference (at which we learned very little, unfortunately), we followed the dang GPS and took a detour that led to this part of town...

In case you can't read it (sorry it's a little blurry), the signs say, "Ho-ny Goat Hideaway," "Eat Me," "Drink Me," and "Park Here."  (We chose to get back on the highway and try again.) I just had to leave out the "r" in that word, because I prefer not to attract "that kind" of attention to my blog :)

And speaking of "that kind" of attention, I just have to share this local headline from the Tinytown community newspaper this week. Tell me I'm not the only one who finds the humor in this.

Think I should send it to Jay?

Visit Unknown Mami for photos from all over the world; it's like going on a mini virtual vacation. (And this time of year, who doesn't need one of those?!)


  1. Love the ducky towel ....great job sons swim's a hard sport, all winners in my book. Have a happy Valentines day.

  2. The duck towel is hilarious.

    Your GPS seems to have a warped sense of humor.

  3. I love it when teens can relax and be goofy.

    PS Thanks for the website link. WOW!

  4. I love the duck towel, how clever! I don't think I'd be following your GPS again . . . And no, I don't the maker of that sign won any spelling bees. :)

  5. Love the towel! LOL Congrats to the team! even if they didn't win they still went out and enjoyed themselves

    All those signs made me Have a wonderful week!

  6. The teacher always notices the grammar and spelling.

    Best of luck next year to the swim team. My applause to them.

  7. I love the kid's sense of humor with the ducky towel. What a hoot.

    And I definitely think Jay would LOVE both the horny goat and the "swim hard" headline.

    Hope your week is a good one. Happy Valentine's Day and thanks for sharing your city.


  8. great pics, funny towel and signs!!Thanks for sharing!

  9. Oh my gosh. LOVE the ducky towel for sure : ). So wonderfully fun! : ). And I also love that the boys are having fun. Isn't that so much more important than winning? : )

  10. I love the towels and wish my kids team had done something like that. It maybe, just maybe, would have made the swim meets a little more bearable. Thank god they gave up swimming tho -- I hated those meets! Almost as bad as track meets! Just give me two 30min halves and let me be on my way, I don't want to spend the whole day watching kids do their thing.

    that was kind of a rant, huh? sorry!

  11. Ha ha the duck towel is priceless! My son played a huge talking rabbit in his senior play. He looked ridiculous, but it didn't seem to bother him a bit! Gotta love those teens...

  12. Sounds like a great swim team.
    I am glad you chose to get back on the highway:)

  13. LOVE the ducky towel. I've seen that commercial, although somehow it seemed a little bit bigger on the actors...
    Lindsey Petersen

  14. I absolutely LOVE the duckie towel!

  15. Love that towel. We have the exact some one at our house. I love how teenage boys reveal in their goofiness.

  16. I love the ducky towel! Must be a brave boy!

  17. too cute...i just spent 2 weekends at my son's wrestling and i was so nice to watch the team sport!

  18. Guess we could call that teen swimmer a duck out of water, huh? Yep, Jay would get this headliner!

    You have a great week sweetie!!!

  19. Maybe the bar manager was drunk when he typed up that sign.

    The headline is "hard" to ignore.

  20. Love the signs. I wonder if this is something all swim teams do? I think it's a neat tradition.

    And ummm WHY are you linking to me? I love being linked but ummm what did I do? :)

  21. Love the duck towel and it is great how the teen boys have an awesome sense of humor!

  22. From Mrs4444's son-
    Hi mom. Pretty sure "Absoulutely no minors" refers to absoulute vodka if its in a bar...just sayin. And i don't drink, you know that.

  23. See, now that's why I believe you, Kyle, when you say that you don't drink; the vodka is spelled Absolut :) (I had the same thought, haha)


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