Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rants and Raves Wednesday

Rant and Rave Wednesday is the brainchild of Little Ms. Blogger (who is currently on a blogging hiatus.) This is the place to...well...Do I really have to explain? Here are my rants and raves this week:

***Our friend Mike (the CHIROPRACTOR) came over tonight. He was so impressed by my stress level that he made me sit right down and let him crack my neck (a BUNCH). Thank you, Mike. I love you.

***Attended a meeting tonight and learned that one of my students next year is a fan of dropping F-bombs, a lot, and saying, "F-you!"  I can only laugh manically at this, because I have already lost what sanity I had rationed for this school year. (Not sure if this is a rant or a rave!)

***Once again, I must rant about poor diction.  It's "Election," not "Ullection" and "Electricity," not "ulectricity," unless you live in the south (right, Amy?! :)

***Hurray to Brad, at the service station in Tiny Town! What a sweetheart--Brad replaced my brake pads today for less than $100!  He is the nicest guy ever and runs a very clean, organized shop. 

***Hello, morning DJ people. PLEASE STOP SINGING ALONG TO THE MUSIC!!! It's ticking me off, because every time I hear Katie's voice ruining a song, I have to turn the radio off immediately.  I don't care if it is a short clip to go along with the daily birthdays. I know you think you're charming (singing off key and all), but I do not find it entertaining, and because you know people hate it and do it anyway makes me want to choke you.

[What?! I told you yesterday I was crabby. It's that time of year, I guess.]

***The Scholarship Assembly is this morning at Tinytown High School, and I get to be there to watch my son receive three of them.  That really puts a dent in my crabby attitude, I tell you :)

***Mosquitoes. Really? Already? You couldn't wait til after the graduation party on Saturday?!

***Netipots. Nuff said.


  1. Thank goodness I'm not the only one that can't stand morning DJ singing off key to music!
    Oh, and I'm not a fan of the Netipots either! I tried it and it was pretty bad.

  2. Love your rants and raves! Congrats to Kyle 3 scholarships awesome kid you have there! Hope you are less crabby today it's almost summer woot woot!

  3. My oh, my, you really are a crabble puss! Congrats to Kyle!

  4. on the 'bad diction' one... i'm from the south. so it really is ullection, and drawn out as long as possible. ;)

  5. Amie, that's really funny! Coming from you, then, it wouldn't bother me at all! However, in the North, where we pronounce our long vowels long(ly?haha), it drives me crazy!! :)

  6. Congrats to your son for the scholarships! I know this is a pleasant time for you to see him receive them.

  7. I take care of other peoples old people for my day job. I was out of work for 6 months because of injuries sustained in an accident caused by an 18 year old mad at her boyfriend so she went flying through my neighborhood at 70mph (Ouch that really hurt) Anyway I'm back to work and the old lady they assigned to me is very nice. To make a long rant shorter, I took said lady to Dr. appt. who gave lady a script for special diabetes stockings. Not available at CVS I kindly dropped the script off at the closest medical supply store(which was out of my way). Old ladies sister called me last night and cursed me up and down asking me who do I think I am handling prescriptions as she is in charge of said ladies finances. She seriously yelled at me for 10 minutes. I just breathed and let her rant. That is why I do this job because so many people just do not give a damn about their old people and are only worried about said old ladies cash. (the script was pricey and not covered). Whew I feel better. Off to take nice old lady to Dr. appt.

  8. So...when did it stop bein' ulectricity??? ' Not a DJ but I'm always beltin' one out...on key of course! Heeehehe!

    Is it a busy time for you or something? :o) Enjoy, it will calm down soon and hey, as long as ya have someone to crack your neck!

    God bless ya and have the best day hon!!!

  9. BTW: I bonded with my Netipot last week. I think were are best friends.

  10. Love the rants and raves. SO, I participated this week.

    Congrats on your son's multiple scholarships! That is awesome!

    Can't stand mosquitos. They totally eat up my hubby!

  11. LOVE the Chiropractor.

    I know this is next part pertains to your Tech Tuesday blog but hubby is in school right now studying to be an occupational therapist and he had been telling me about an Ipad application that is called Proloquo2go it is a text to speech application. And while it is on the expensive side the benefits outweigh similar machines that cost $5-$6,000 dollars i.e. it can hold thousands of preset phrases versus a couple hundred. I don't know if you work with kids who have speech impairments but thought this was an awesome idea.

    Btw, loved your rants and raves as usual!

  12. But can he spell the "F-Bomb"? Maybe this will be your way to reach him? LOL

  13. LOVE the netipot!! Loving f-bombs around here lately, too (don't worry--most of them are inside my head!!)

  14. I love your rants and raves; I rant about miss-spellings and poor grammar, not so much about the f-bombs. And congrats to Kyle for being such an achiever; I wish Eli would become one!

  15. When I was not retired, I was mad at my husband every year in May. It took me a long time to figure out that it wasn't a divorce that I needed but for the school year to end. We were both happier when we got to the end of the school year. Hang in there. :)

  16. Hey Ya'll yeah for scholarships =)
    Hope the f bomb dropper is not that bad and I am sorry about mosquitos I hate them

  17. My hubby's cousin's hubby is a chiropractor and I spend entire family events trying to work up enough courage to ask him to crack me. Haven't made it there yet.


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