Monday, August 16, 2010

Family Fun, Reunion Style

WARNING: This post is RATED PG-13 and not suitable for people with class.

At our family reunion last weekend, we played free fun, family games for an hour or so.

I found one of the games when I happened to catch it on the Ellen Degeneres show a few days before the reunion. I highly recommend this game for any size gathering, as it's as much fun for spectators (probably more, even) as it is for the participants. It's called Musical Balls.

We also played a game I found in a book I have from the 1970's, called the New Games Book. I highly recommend this book, as it is chock full of fun games to lead small and large groups of people in. The game we played is called Rock Scissors Paper Tag, and it made for some great photos!


The funniest game of all, though, was the game my cousin Karen found, called The Plunger Relay. We had four teams of three players. Player 1 had to run/walk with a toilet plunger between his/her legs to Player 2, who had a roll of toilet paper between his/her knees. Player 1 had to skewer the T.P. and then head to Player 3, who had a second roll at the ready. After skewering both rolls, Player 1 rushed to the finish line, where his/her teammates take use all of both T.P. rolls to wrap Player 1 up like so:

Plunger Game 7

In this video clip, you will see what happens when my 11-year-old nephew (Player 1) struggles to connect with his teammate, my son Kyle, age 18. (Hands were not allowed, but I helped at the end, was necessary.) 

We laughed until we cried.


  1. That looks like SO much fun! I love it!

  2. OMGracious! That's horrifically fabulous!!!!

  3. What fun!!!

    And it makes me want a family reunion....


  4. You sure do know how to plan a fun event!

  5. Wow! And at our house, we think Appl*s to Appl*s or Banangr*ms are fun....Who knew a toilet plunger could have so many uses?

  6. games with people who dont mind making a fool of themselves is the BEST! :)

  7. That is hilarious! You can't plan those moments.

  8. OMG That is Hilarious!! Good Times! :)

  9. Those are AWESOME. I love families that can get crazy together. I especially love it when they document it with video!

  10. I've seen this game on Ellen! I should try it at my next family gathering. It is too funny watching people I don't know. So watching people I do know should be even better.

  11. Oh my gosh, that video is priceless! LOL! looks like a super fun time!

  12. Now ya'll know how to have a good time. 'Don't need to ask if ya had a blast or if the reunion was a success. Funny-girl!

    God bless ya and have a marvelous Monday sweetie!!!

  13. I wish I had known about those games before the reunion I attended this week. Too funny!

    So, did you play the Ellen game? That looked like fun, too :) Loved the blindfolds LOL

    Kristin - The Goat

  14. omg, I would have peed my pants over all that fun! You guys sure know how to have a great time!

  15. THAT is too funny, and I'm sure it was much better in person.

  16. good times with family - the best
    So did you give away Ipads like Ellen?
    That last one could be used for sex ed.

  17. Hey I got an ICB team question -
    Wondering if this thing is working.

    about a day ago you wrote in reply to Nezzy "And here I thought you were this sweet little grandma. A splitting maul? WOW. I'm impressed!"
    Today she replied to your reply.

    I'd like to know if you got an email with the reply in it.

  18. Oh my heavens! If my family and your family ever got together I am almost sure somebody would end up in jail.

    Too funny!!

  19. I am jealous this looks super fun!


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