Friday, September 17, 2010

Saturday Sampling, September 18, 2010

Saturday Sampling is the perfect place to curl up and read some of the best, most inspiring/funny/moving posts you might have missed this week. You're also welcome to link up a favorite post of your own that you'd like more people to read.  It's your chance to link up your favorite personal post and/or posts you've loved from others. SS is what we make it--Thanks for contributing or just for reading :)

If your title isn't self-explanatory, please use tags to help others choose which posts they'd like to read. (see examples below)  I will "*" posts that are linked up by admirers and those posts that are especially popular.

[If this is your first time here, please click on the Saturday Sampling tab at the top of this page to learn the ins and outs of SS.]


  1. Hi there - I decided to submit someone else's post this week. Sometimes a post really stands out for me and this week it was my blogging friend Sherri over at Old Tweener who wrote Exit Interview, about her son growing up. It is a beautiful post.

  2. Hi All,

    My post (#12) was written in conjunction with Invisible Illness Awareness Week

    I hope people who have a loved one with chronic pain and illness find it helpful.

    Be well,


  3. Mine is completely irreverent compared to the two above - but it should give you a great laugh and share away :)

  4. I can tell I'm off to some mighty good readin' today! Thanks :o)

    Have a terrific weekend sweetie!!!

  5. Thank you to Aging Mommy for linking up to my post! This is a great blog, I can't wait to check out the other posts.

    How did I not find this before?!

  6. Again, thanks Mrs.4444 for this opportunity for others to get good reads. No submission from me this week.

  7. I just put my name in the link section, but my submission were the first 15 things in my list of 100 things that make me happy.

    It's not rocket science, but it's nice to read a positive list. :)

    Kristin _ The Goat


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