Thursday, December 16, 2010

Friday Fragments, Episode #125

If you're like me, your head is spinning these days, and all you have in your mind is fragments. Here's the place to spew them! (Click on the FF tab above to learn more about FF.)

***Unknown Mami was my Favorite Friday Fragmenter last week....

I am a brilliant typo-ist!!! I was leaving a comment on a blog and meant to write “perspective”, but my fingers typed “peerspective”. Tell me that shouldn’t be a word?! Come on, you know it should! Sometimes the outlook or our peers, their peerspective, affects our perspective. It’s definitely worthy of being considered as an entry to the dictionary.

I agree, U.M.  You are brilliant! The award is yours (again).

***If you haven't seen the 19 Unusual Gifts No One Wants for Christmas, I highly recommended you check it out. I laughed (out loud) a lot.

***Speaking of laughing out loud, I hope you watched Cats Playing Patty-Cake video I posted on Monday. Even if you hate cats, you will laugh. 

***I keep having random hiccups--Just one at a time, once or twice per day, and they are really loud.  I don't feel them coming. They aren't normal hiccups--it's always just one loud one (and when I say loud, I'm not kidding. Mr.4444 isn't a fan). What is this?

***In case you missed it, the lucky winners of my CSNStores giveaway were:
$100 Pam, of The Journey Leads Home
$50 Dee
Happy Shopping, Ladies!

***I took Difference Maker students out tonight on a Ding-Dong-Decorate-and-Ditch outing, and we had a ball. Afterwards, I took them back to my classroom for homemade hot chocolate!  (I'll post the recipe on Mrs.4444 Cooks this weekend.)
Finally, if you arrived here at the usual time and found no FF, I apologize--I was falling asleep on the couch of Aerie (store in the mall) with Kendall in the dressing room, trying on stuff. We just got home (for the first time all day), and it is late!

***Okay, now it's your turn. Have at 'er! (Friday Fragment posts only, please. Others will be reported to the Better Blogging Bureau.)


  1. I wonder if the Better Blogging Bureau would be a good thing? Hmmm, something to think about! lol

    Yep, I was looking for the post at 9 and at 10 and then I decided that you just forgot about us! It never occurred to me that you might be busy.

    I love the projects you're doing with the difference makers.

    Kristin - The Goat

  2. Mami isn't the only one with typo issues. I've been known to leave a few invisible gems myself.

    And I know exactly what you mean about those hiccups. I get them too, and they are sudden, unexpected and LOUD. My wife is quite annoyed by them. I seem to get them after eating or drinking something.

    Actually, the butter warmer isn't a bad idea. Especially when you need it now, and it's rock hard cold fresh out of the fridge.

    Um...Ding Dong Decorate and Ditch? I'm all ears.

  3. Those 19 gifts no one wants are funny! I actually know someone who had their relative's ashes made into a gem stone that they wear. Weird!

  4. Ding-Dong-Decorate-and-Ditch is a twist on the traditional Ding-Dong-Ditch "activity." Instead of mischief, though, we were up to all good; we put up Christmas decorations at various homes around town, including the doors of some senior-living apartments. It was so much fun!! The kids were very dramatic, yelling, "Step on it!" to me when they ran to the vehicle after anonymously decorating doors. The funny part was our "getaway" vehicle--a big, white, mini-bus I borrowed from the school district to transport the nine kids. (I'm pretty sure were about as "stealthy" as Sneaky Pete!haha)

  5. sleeping at the mall? wow you must be tired.
    Where do I send my application for the Better Blogging Bureau?
    thanks for hosting this again.

  6. Better Blogger Bureau! Ha ha ha! I don't know if I like the idea, or if I'm terrified of it....

  7. Homemade hot chocolate - love it! I will be looking for your recipe. I wondered what happened to you last week... Or was it the week before? Sounds like you had fun with your kiddos. Have a great holiday!

  8. Help, teacher! I messed up my first link, can you please delete it? Sorry!

  9. I LOVE your new word, "peerspective."

    Incidentally, I love the name of your blog, too.

  10. Love the idea of ding-dong-decorate and ditch!

    Will have to suggest it to a few kids around here next year to brighten up our local seniors complex!

  11. Loved the cat video--wonder how they did that.

  12. Homemade hot chocolate is the BEST! I'll never make it from a powder again :)

    DDDD sounds really neat - I hope when Charlie's older he'll be interested in participating in activities like that, too.

    Have a great weekend!

  13. Any chance you're thinking of starting a Difference Makers Blogger group?? Getting us all into the bus could be a problem, I suppose.

  14. Love the decorate and ditch idea!!! How wonderful!

  15. I didn't do a FF post, but I have a fragment for you;

    If Santa doesn't stuff my stocking soon, I'm going to have to outsource.

  16. Congrats to your winners! I loved the cats patty caking video :)

  17. LOL- I'm the same way, Unknown Mami...I say I have typing dyslexia.

    I constantly goof what I type, and I have taken typing classes twice!

    Mrs. 4444- I wish you were my teacher :-)

  18. Found your fab blog via Empty Nest my 'twin' in the blogging world. I've been snooping through your past posts ans now I have added myself as your latest follower (ooh nearly 500 - well done).
    Please come and visit me or even follow if you would like.
    Carol from - the blog that gives you laughter lines (puit off yet?)

  19. Ding~Dong~Ditch night...what a great idea. It's good to see you and your students are havin' fun.

    Sleepin' at the mall...girl, when's Christmas Break????

    God bless and have a great weekend sweetie and get so rest!!!

    Did ya hear me??? Rest baby!!!

  20. Howdie! So happy to have made it to the FF party this week! I've missed you and many of our fellow fragmentors.

    Love all the things you do with the difference makers... ok so you might want to amp up the stealth but these updates are always inspiring.

    Speaking of inspiring... the new Bliss blog is coming along and I will be interested in tapping you for some of the fun... please let me know if you are interested in guest blogging -- I certainly owe you at least one! -- in the new space!

    Thanks for keeping up your end of the winter deal. We only get rain and I've been a whiner... Santa may not forgive me. I can't help it. I was spoiled by my recent Hawaii trip... as my girl says, "Why don't we live in Hawaii?"

    LOL -- my "word verification" is suckske --doesn't that deserve to be a real word!

  21. What on earth is a ding-dong-decorate-and-ditch????

  22. never mind. I post THEN read your comments. oops

  23. I actually can't think of a better thing to do at the mall than sleep. I hate to shop, especially with teenagers! Oh,and clearly I can comment now, it must have been a problem on my end!

  24. Looks like some good links... gonna go check them out!

    Happy Frag Fri!<-- haha reminds me of French Fry.

  25. Ding dong what? I've never heard of that before. Share?

    I hope you find the solution to your hiccups soon. That's an interesting one!

  26. OMG! The 19 Gifts Nobody Wants was hilarious!! I needed a good laugh! I'm over here snorting, Hubby finally had to ask me what in the world I was reading.


Your 2 cents...