Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thousand Words Thursday

Thousand Words Thursday is a weekly photo post that invites bloggers to post pictures that "say a thousand words." It's the baby (albeit the abandoned baby, hinthint, Jen!) of The Mom Jen, of Cheaper Than Therapy.

Dave, of 42 North, enjoyed my Sundays in My City, Blizzard Edition post so much that he had a little fun with it, and I love it:

Thanks, Dave. (I think.)


  1. Ummmm....yeah. You're looking a tad bit miserable! It's not so sunny here in the south either, if that's any consolation!

  2. My caption would be, "It's only December....."

  3. you should be smiling all the spiders are frozen - you look like someone just asked you about your love of winter.

  4. Just what IS that look on your face? (pretty face, too.) I'm not sure whether I should be sympathetic or intimidated.

  5. That's the same look that I get on my face when it snows!

  6. Love it and know the feeling! Holy cow it's technically not officially winter yet ! Scary whats ahead! Stay warm!

  7. Your a brave woman Barb! I was decked out like the Michelin Man doin' my chores before the ice storm moved in yesterday and baby, I would just dare anyone to snap a shot of me in all my frozen glory! See, I told ya that I'm vain...just that kinda chick! Heeehehehe!

    God bless you girl and keep warm sister! :o)

  8. Telling it like it is, darn cold.
    I feel for you.

  9. If its any consolation we received 5 inches of snow last night here. I just came in from blowing snow at my house and the neighbors. Good thing Fall is about to wind down. Stay warm.

  10. You look really cold! However, I very much miss the snow...

  11. I love this pic! A thousand words indeed!

  12. Well, at least your football team has somewhere to play.... not that ours will need one anymore this season. Sigh.


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