I'm going to keep this intro like an oompa loompa (short).
Welcome to Friday Fragments!
[If this your first time fragging, please click on the FF tab above. Thanks!]
***Speaking of Kendall, tonight she said, "Mom, I'm not gonna lie---I wish you would blog more often." Is that sweet, or what?! Obviously, she hadn't looked at my blog recently, because I busted several posts out this week. I just didn't have much to say last week, what with the insane schedule I was on. This week, I'm breathing a little easier and shared a cute voicemail, movie recommendation, and joke from my mom, along with a sweet little Milo story and pic, among other posts.
***Typically, I don't post just to post; you'll never read a NABLOMO post (or whatever it's called--I have no idea what those letters stand for) on this post; I just don't feel the pressure.
***Guess who's back to blogging? TWO of my favorite bloggers: Kristin, The Goat AND Yaya, now of Today Is the Day. Don't be afraid to pop over and welcome these ladies back to Blogland!
***Steve limped on and off last weekend, and we took him in for x-rays today. He apparently has panosteitis, which he will eventually outgrow. In the meantime, we have anti-inflammatories and pain medication for which Mr.4444 had to give his birthdate before they'd let him have it; apparently, drug seekers have taken to pimping their pets out for drugs at vet offices these days. Unbelievable.
***Speaking of drug seekers, my dentist told me that she was once tricked by a drug seeker into doing a root canal on a tooth that turned out to be perfectly healthy. She was mortified. Can you imagine?!
***I'm taking my Mrs.4444's Nice List Christmas gift list down from my sidebar soon. If you knew me a month or so ago and didn't read it, you should check to see what I got you! :)
***Mr.4444, Kendall, and I have loved having Kyle home for the past few weeks; our family is just not complete without him. Even the dogs adore him. We're all going to miss him when he heads back to school this weekend.
***Okay, that's it for me. I'm looking forward to catching up with you. Here's the linky: (and do me a favor, please; if I haven't stopped by your place lately, will you please add an asterisk* to your name so I can start with you when I make some rounds this weekend? Thanks!)
Pimping pets for drugs? That's definitely one I haven't heard before. I'm trying to get back into blogging after numerous hosting issues. I think I posted twice this week. Woohoo!