Thursday, September 5, 2013

Friday Fragments: Episode #265

Welcome! I'm still getting dressed, but make yourself at home; 
link up and come back later to find out what's happening in my neck of the woods.
[To learn the ins and outs of Friday Fragments, please click here.]

If you're in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area (I know some of you are!), you could meet my sister Judi this weekend at Vintage Market Days, where she will be selling some of her gorgeous labors of love via her Chalkolates business. (She chalk-paints furniture.) Curious? Here's her Facebook page, and here's one of the beauties she'll have on display this weekend (not sure she chalkpainted this one, but it is gorgeous:

At the end of Kendall's first day of school, she called me.
She called me to share how her day went!
That alone warmed my heart, but here's what she said about her 3-hour chemistry lecture:
"Oh, Mom, I just loved it so much! It totally confirmed for me that chemistry is what I want to do! I was totally engaged. I'm so excited!"
I am thrilled.

Kyle shared that he received an A on his summer internship portfolio and, therefore, the class.
He, too, is passionate about his college experiences, 
which is so wonderful; I couldn't hope for more.

School started this week. It's going well, but I already feel like a month has passed.
I am pooped.

Mr.4444 is traveling this week; the house is quiet
I'm having a little trouble cooking for one; 
I guess I'm going to have to start cooking and freezing small meals.

For what it's worth, I absolutely love this water bottle.
It has a trigger-style button that causes a draft that lets the liquid flow smoothly and efficiently; there is no straw inside it. I also love that it holds 32 ounces. A review I read for it says not to screw the cover on too tightly (or you can break the top), but I am thrilled with mine. I paid about $15 for it and highly recommend it.

Arighty, then! Now it's your turn: Link up your Friday Fragments and make some new friends! :)

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