Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Farm Fun!

Last night, on the last day of our visitors' stay,
I took them to my cousin's family farm.
We got there just in time to help finish snapping beans for canning.

After that, we went out to see the milking process,
with which the kids were unfamiliar.
Check out Vanna's hand covering her mouth.

They asked a lot of questions that made me smile.
Kayley stepped right up to learn how to attach a milker thingy.
Christina was such a patient teacher.

These ladies were very curious.

We didn't stay there long because, frankly, 
all I could think of was one of these tails going up and us having no place to run.

Outside, a few chickens kept escaping their pen, 
and the kids bravely caught them to put them back in.

They also got to collect eggs!

We bought a dozen for the kids to take home to their mom today.

As if they hadn't had enough fun already, 
Christina mixed up a few bottles so that the kids could feed the lambs, 
which were way too big to still be feeding from a bottle but were all to happy to help out.

Smiles like these...priceless.

We also checked out the pigs (with Laura's grandsons)

and swang(?) on the traditional farm swing.

What a fun way to end their vacation!

On the way home, Vanna said,
"That farm smell was awesome; I wish there was a perfume of it."

Hear that, perfume manufacturers? I have some names started for you...

Eau du Pigsty
or maybe L'aire du Chicken Coop

If nothing else, we could save the scrapings from the bottoms of their shoes 
and make a little potpourri.

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